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Who Can Help You Achieve Your Biggest Goals?

June 07, 2021   \\\   Posted By CandorTechSpace

Who Can Help You Achieve Your Biggest Goals?

In Who Not How: The Formula to Achieve Bigger Goals Through Accelerating Teamwork, Dan Sullivan and Dr Benjamin Hardy explain how by focusing on ‘who’ you work with and not ‘how’ you achieve your goals, you can succeed at the highest level.

Do you want everything you do in life to be your own choice, including how much money you make, how you spend your time and with whom you have relationships? Do you only want to do work that aligns with your purpose? You can do all of this—by changing the core question you ask yourself whenever you want to accomplish anything in life. Stop asking yourself, “How can I do this?” and instead, ask “Who can do this for me?” It is this philosophy that is at the heart of Who Not How: The Formula to Achieve Bigger Goals Through Accelerating Teamwork, a bestselling book by Dan Sullivan (the co-founder of Strategic Coach, an entrepreneurial coaching company) and organisational psychologist Dr Benjamin Hardy.

Who Not How: The Formula to Achieve Bigger Goals Through Accelerating Teamwork Authors: Dan Sullivan and Dr Benjamin Hardy Publisher: Hay House Business

Who Not How stresses that you need to shift from a Howmentality to a Who-mentality, no matter what your level of talent, commitment and genius is. It is only through teamwork and collaboration that you can achieve things that you previously thought were impossible to achieve. The book is divided into four parts, covering how ‘who’ not ‘how’ can give you more time, can make you more money, can help you cultivate more and better-quality relationships, and can help you develop a greater and deeper sense of purpose in your life, respectively. And this makes the book ideal for people who want to do extraordinary things with their lives and get progressively bigger and better results.

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